Q. How long will the full backup take to complete?

Ans. Each merchant store is different and the full backup time is dependent on the number of data entities being backed up in each store.


Q. Why can’t I rollback deleted category from the previous version under ‘view version’ in recent changes screen?

Ans. Restore/rollback from full backup by selecting the “From Backup” in the select version is available for Products only and not for any other data entities. Categories can be rolled back only from the Full Backup screen.

Q. I deleted a brand inadvertently, how can I restore it when there is no entry in the recent changes screen?

Ans. There are no APIs available to fetch the incremental changes to brands from BigCommerce, hence, they cannot be monitored for changes like creation, deletion and update. So any events on brands i.e., create, update & delete will not be displayed in the Recent Changes screen. They can only be restored from the full backup.

After brand is deleted and restored/rolled back from the full backup, it is created afresh with a new id and its associations with the products will not get restored.

You have to manually associate with the products again.


Q. Why can’t I rollback deleted product from the previous version in recent changes screen?

Ans. If there no updates to the product, there will not be any audit tracking for it. Hence, they cannot be rolled back from the previous version as the version data is not available in the app. So if no changes have been made to a product you can only restore it from the full backup by selecting the “From Backup” in the drop down under “View Version” as shown below. Alternatively, you can restore from the Full Backup screen also (it will restore all products not only the deleted one).

Restore from full backup by selecting the “From Backup” in the select version is available for Products only and not for any other data entities.

Rollback of data entities from “update” event can be done from the recent changes screen.

Rollback of data entities from “delete” event can be done from the recent changes screen, only if previous versions exist for the data entity due to update events.


Q. I deleted a product and associated brand and category. Can I rollback/restore all of them from the full backup?

Ans. Yes, you can restore/rollback the product, category and brand from full back separately. Each one gets created afresh with a new id. Hence, the old association of product with the category and brand is not retained.


Q. A product associated multi-storefront is deleted in advertently. When I restore it from backup, will it get associated with the multi-storefront again?

Ans. Yes, when the deleted product is rolled back, it gets restored from the backup and all the associations like multi-storefront, categories, and brand are retained. The product will be visible in all the store fronts again.

Q. Why are the changes like creation, deletion and update of the entities not showing on the recent changes screen?

Ans. Please check in the settings screen whether the monitoring has started. You can tell monitoring has started if there is a green tick next to the data entity. If monitoring is stopped, you will see a red cross beside the data entity, see the screenshot below. Sometimes there can be delay in receiving API information from BigCommerce, refresh the screen and it will show.



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